I was wondering how I can make sex more pleasurable for my lover? We've been together for a while, and I just want to make things feel new and exciting and passionate. Any ideas about how to spice up the sex life? Anything surpising to do in the bedroom or somewhere else that he will like? Please help!
Need some original ideas! thnxSerious advice needed from men, how to spice it up?
try the shocker, it never fails!Serious advice needed from men, how to spice it up?
Go to the Cosmo website and look at the sex advice articles. They talk about everything there. I am a guy and I have learned so much about women from reading it.
I would suggest talking about each others erotic desires and then surprise one another by performing them for each other.
Basically, you can either do things in a new order, new place, do new things, wear something different, or act in a different way.
New order - mix it up. Use a different position, or end with something you might have started with, switch it up more, etc.
New place - outside the bedroom is often more exciting (though less comfortable!) then in. Stairs, tables, counters at home, inside cars, in stairways/alleys/parks definitely get your blood pumping.
New things - who knows what you do. new positions, or if you don't do them now, oral/anal/handjobs, if he likes them footjobs/between breasts, bodyglide, etc. Ejaculating new places.
wear something different - lingerie, costumes, simply keeping more clothing on and moving it out of the way, one of you naked one of you dressed, etc.
How you act. It could be playing out a fantasy (nurse/schoolgirl/cop/doctor). Could also just be a matter of you being more dominant, or pretending to be innocent and reluctant and have him be more dominant.
there are loads of ideas... just ask and i'll let you have some... :D
No kidding, this is what my girl did for me...
Out of the blue she asked me to watch a Porno with her and during she talked about what they are doing while watching it...jokingly though she would make little comments like, ';I'm going to do that to you, etc';. I thought she was BS'ing me. She wasn't and it was awesome.
We also went to a strip club one night together and the sex afterwards was intense and fun since she acted liek a stripper.
Hope it works out.
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