Well here we go. I use to always shave my chest and what not b/c my ex thought it was sexy blah blah blah so a did how that we have been broken up I have let it grow but since i use to shave it I really got use to it being like that and miss the hairlessness haha I was just wondering about the waxing aspect of hair removal. What are you views on it is it worth the pain every 3 to 4 weeks or however often you have to get it done.
Thanks in advance.Need womens advice. or Men if you have done this.?
My boyfriend has a hairy chest... We have tried a few things...
1. Shaving- Ok thats such a wives tail about the hair growing back thicker and darker... it doesnt when u let it grow out after shaving it is the EXACT same as before... but it jjst takes forever to do and then he gets itchy when the stubble returns and it sometimes causes razor burn or breakouts... which isnt pretty.
2. Nair- You people who said this have you ever actually Naired a guys chest??? It seems to come off real good like halfway through the removing swipe and then... it seems it's only burned off half of the remaining hair... and when u put nair over what it didnt remove the 1st time it burns him really bad and layers of skin can burn off... not to mention the smell it leaves... shew.
3. Wax- Sugar Wax: Doesnt work it doesnt hold well enough to get the hair off and leaves a sticky residue that seems to take forever to get off.
Professional Waxing or Hot Wax: My boyfriend went to this Spa Type place and had this done and when they were pulling off the strips they said his pores were getting turned inside out (so its not for really sensitive areas.. such as the chest)
My recommendation is that stuff you see on TV it's called Nads... It's not a Hot wax because it doesnt need to be heated and it isnt a Sugaring Wax so it grabs the hair tightly.
Just one more little ounce of advice... if you do choose Nads don't try to cut the hair at all before you use it... it works best on longer hair....
You can get it Walgreens %26amp;%26amp; WalmartNeed womens advice. or Men if you have done this.?
I personally prefer a hairy chest so I say let it grow..
If you want to wax...I suggest every 4 weeks..
Well, it lasts longer than shaving. In your case, I wouldn't say that it's worth it. Just because chest hair isn't something that ';needs'; to be shaved, you know what I mean? I mean women are obviously going to shave their legs, and I could see waxing being easier there than it would be for a guy. I think that if you want to get rid of it, you should just shave. Or, you could always use Nair, or something else like that. It's going to hurt a lot. You'll find yourself getting sick of having to do it all the time. Especially if you do it yourself. It's harder to do something when you KNOW it's going to hurt. It can also irritate your skin. I'm not talking about the redness, but sometimes it will stay red and blotchy for a while,all depending on how white you are, haha. :)
Oh, and if you do use Nair, be careful. A lot of people are allergic to it, including me.
I use the Norelco Phillips Bodygroom shaver to shave my chest hair and ****. I hate having chest hair...a smooth chest is sexier.
the pain is worth it but it hurts a lot,first try with a painless zone like your forearm
My boyfriend shaved his chest before he met me. I put a stop to that nonsense. The most I would recommend is trimming it, if you're really self-conscious or the hair is truly bothering you. Remmington sells some good trimmers. Shaved chests are pretty gay and make guys look like little boys. Who wants to date a pre-pubescent hairless 12 year old? Men are supposed to be burly and hairy. Not to mention the painful (to both of us) stubble that inevitably appears when you shave/wax completely. If you are actually gay, there's nothing wrong with that, and you should continue to shave/wax. If not, trimming or leaving it as-is are your two best options.
no ryan.
chest hair is sexy.
leave it.
Waxing usually stays longer than shaving. You can also try hair removal cream which also works well in removing body.
aah a guy waxing is really hot....hurts like f*ck though!!
i said something along those lines to an (ex)boyfriend once...but eh....i think he got confused over what ';parts'; lol
he comes into school the next day - ONE of his LEGS waxed.....it hurt him....so he wouldnt do the second one lol, he just had this random smooth leg for like 3 weeks
it was hilarious though
As a stylist I wax men and women on a reg basis, its one of those things that gets better as time goes on but it is very painful. I would have a spot that is in a hidden area done first to see if you can handle it (remember steve carell in 40 year old virgin) but yes it is totally worth it, it is so much smoother than shaving and lasts so much longer in some cases it can even start growing less over time... I see more and more men getting waxed and none complain (much) but please make sure the person you go to knows exactly what they are doing if done wrong it can be more painful and less effective..
Hmmm...do what you like, but I think hair is SEXXY.
i think that hair is fine, but i do prefer men without hairy chests
waxing would be best if you can handle the pain...nair, or other hair removal products like that can leave a burning feeling on more sensitive areas of skin, or if you just generally have sensitive skin...
shaving would also work, but it gets stubbly faster than waxing
why dont you just use nair?
if you get your hair waxed, from personal experience, it says off a little longer and doesn't grow back as thick/dark as it does after shaving a lot.
but is it worth it? it depends how much you despise shaving.
I wax everything. I think shaving is nasty because it grows back thicker. The first time you do it will suck, like in 40 Year Old Virgin. But after a few times the hair gets really thin and eventually the follicles will become so weak they cannot even hold/support the hair. I think guys should waxno 5 o'clock shadow all the time.
use nair for men.
wow. what kind of homo shaves his chest.. be a man, dude.
waxing is best
It's really up to you.
But personally, chest hair to me is the worst.
It's can get pretty gross, so you could get it waxed twice a month if you wanted. But you'd have to remember that it gets expensive after a while.
And also, there's a product called Nair. It's a hair removal kit. You do it yourself and it's pain-free.
My brother does it with his arms on a weekly basis.
it doesnt make you gay to shave your chest. dont chave your legs tho, that is a bit borderline. use nair. if you do wax, please scream kelly clarkson, just for the humor of it.
well yeah do it . in my case i think its kinda sexxy butt unless u look good with a little hair just leave it but its ur chose....and if it hurts..well i have never waxed my chest but I'm sure it would just hurt for a couple a seconds.. : ]
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