Sunday, July 25, 2010

Men: Need Advice for my Younger Brother?

My younger brother is 18 and just got into his first relationship and subsequently lost his viginity. His gf was not a virgin and has previously been pregnant by an ex and has just found out that she is pregnant by my brother. He has been accepted to numerous schools and is being scouted for basketball. I feel that she trapped him. How do I suggest a DNA test without him getting offended?Men: Need Advice for my Younger Brother?
You don't. In this situation, he's going to take offense no matter what, but you have to get him to agree to the test. Do whatever you can to make him see your point, he needs to. You're a good sister to look out for your brother like this.

To the person below me: She could have trapped him by lying about being on the pill, poking a hole in the condom, using a non-spermicidal lubricant while telling him it was spermicidal, or any number of different ways.

2 condoms are worse than a single one, it increases friction. What he needs to do is just never let anyone else handle his condoms.Men: Need Advice for my Younger Brother?
There is nothing wrong with showing your brother that you care. Just take him aside and gently tell him your concerns, make sure you say that you're not trying to offend him you're just worried about him. He'll realize that you're coming from a caring place. I'd avoid telling him that you think his girlfriend trapped him, although I have to admit that it sounds iffy, I mean the chick got pregnant before and for her to do it again makes her either stupid or have an agenda, but your brother might not take kindly to the ';trapped'; idea but, there's nothing outrageous about suggesting a DNA test.
Thats your brother, His life, and His Career. Just say DNA test. A little tough love is better than a mistake thats gonna last forever. The girl probably lying because of his promising career. Girls do that all the time. She's looking at him as a meal ticket. And after he get that worked out. Tell him 2 use condoms be cause if he's good like you say this won't be the last time.
i see where you're coming from but how did she trap him?

obviously he chose not to wear a condom.
I would maybe take your brother out to a bar to have a few drinks and sit down with him man to man and have a talk with him. Then slowly bring on the conversation and make the suggestion that is he sure that this girlfriend is pregnant with his child. Ask him to consider a DNA test as he is young and you do not want his life ruined. If he is the father point out to him the responsibilities of becoming a father and that it will affect the rest of his life. Be aware that if this child isn't his and the relationship doesn't work out do not encourage him to place his name on the birth certificate as the father until he is sure that the baby is his. My husband did that mistake with his ex wife and was with her for 3 months and she was 6 months pregnant with another mans child but he knew it. He marries her and puts his name down on the birth certificate as if he is the father. The marriage lasted 10 years. He was then responsible to pay Child Support for another mans child. It affected our marriage financially and the baby is 23 today and still relies on him for financial support. Advise him that the repuccisons in affecting his future. He could be forming a lie for a baby and causing problems later on when the child finds out that he is not the father. He could be getting into something that similar to my husband. If the baby is not his he could however support his girlfriend and the baby but advise him not to place his name on the birth certificate as the father unless he is totally sure he is. He could however take on the role model as a step father but advise him that he should advise the child as young as the child could understand and don't allow the child to find out when it is 18 because this can cause more trouble then it is worth believe me. A lot of emotional trouble for the young adult.

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