I prefer men on this. Thanks!MEN: What is your advice for avoiding men who are just looking for sex? What are the signs?
Meeting someone in a bar is a bad start avoid meet markets when you're looking for more.
Someone who wants to sleep with you on the first night isnt good but someone who expects you or is frustrated you decline is a very bad start.
Beware of guys who only want to meet you in the evening or night time... bad. Propose breakfast and some activity that ends the date during daytime isnt a bad test.
Be aware of sexual jokes/talk when you meet them the more sexual jokes the more likely they are implying sex and the more likely the relation will lead to that.
Beware of false signs. You might catch guys checking you out, doesn't mean all they want is sex, it means you are sexy or good looking. Sometimes instinct takes over, remember any normal guys think about sex but it doesn't mean it all we want from you ^_^MEN: What is your advice for avoiding men who are just looking for sex? What are the signs?
Look for the gentleman instead of the bad boy. All people men and women
think about sex first including you or you wouldn't be looking for a guy. This is just attraction though so you need to find someone who believes in
romance,but many of these guys are not respected because they are not a challenge. So the answer is within you not them. If you can respect a guy that isn't a challenge then you will find that guy,but if you always want a challenge and are not independent enough to go without a boyfriend until you find the right one then you will go from jerk to jerk.
I'm not saying you are like this because I don't know you I just know the dating patterns that are out there.
I guess you are asking for my advice on whether a guy you met is just looking for a little action VS a lasting relationship.Difficult at best, but I'll give it a try.If he's more interested in your history, hobbies ,beliefs and family then he might be looking for a relationship. If all he talks about is your physical attributes then you know what he wants.If he does nothing but gush on and on about how you make him feel and how he has been looking for someone like you for years and he just met you then he's trying to sucker you with flattery.Another thing is if he's in some kinda hurry. If you feel rushed, you are being rushed!
I know you only wanted guys to answer but I had to help you on this one. starvation, is the answer. see you weed out a lot of the one track mind men when you make them wait. get to really know him. if he only wants sex 9 times out of 10 he's not gonna wait a month or even two. by then your also gonna know if he is worth it or not. if he can't wait guess what? he's not. im not preaching no sex. im just saying if you want a different type of relationship you gotta approach these relationshps different. on top of that some guys are so straight forward that if you ask them what they want they will tell you. basically just set up guide lines for you that will help u weed them hoes out and girl its gonna be hard because lord knows there are some sexy *** men on this plant. good luck.
first of all, not all men are like that so please don't say if they have a penis that they're gonna be a jerk
now, avoid the men who try and sweet talk you and tell you how hot you are, especially if you just met them...don't let a guy get really touchy with you until you know them well..if they start groping you right away, then they only want one thing
if he wants to have sex right away is a good sign that he just wants you for you know. if you tell him no sex before marriage and he is ok with that then he may be more interested in you than just for sex. its pretty much hard to tell. your best bet is to get married then have sex.
They don't keep their distance from you. If they like you, they'd be from afar, not trying tot alk to you 24/7, or constantly hovering around you. A big hint, is when they're really forward when they meet you, especially on how you look. Those are the ones to avoid.
like you can tell if someone actually cares about you
its pretty hard to find a guy that is not looking for sex and as for the signs good luck
A bulge in the crotch area is usually a good sign.
If they keep on talking and talk like they are trying to seduce you.
avoid men
Tell them you are a Lesbian
look harder
does he have a penis?
if so, then yes.
gay bar
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