Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What to do about rape. need advice from men and women please?

My fiance was raped by her boss at worked twice. She never did anything about it because she was scared by now the physical evidence is gone. I got her a new job and she just wants to put it in the past, but every time it comes up i get angry and she gets upset that I'm angry. I know the guys name, face and where and when he works. Do I just talk it through and put it in the past, or all incredible hulk on his sorry a$$?What to do about rape. need advice from men and women please?
you are SO sweet to think like that! a lotta men won't even bother themselves with such a problematic past.

i think you ought to notify the police right away. you can't let him get away with that. he has the potential to do anything his dirty hands desire and just think of all the other women (or men... *shudder*) who might experience the same thing.

your fiance's probably letting her anger out on you. i mean she's gotta be angry at the guy for doing what he's done. if you do alert the authorities, it will all be worth it and trust me - she'll be so glad her love for you will increase tenfold.What to do about rape. need advice from men and women please?
You cannot do any thing about it , but she can. Go the police and file a complaint. Tell them what happened an let them take it from there., they can charge him on other grounds, harrahment etc. But he should be stopped before he does it to others Don't you do anything to him. it will just makes things worse .for you as well. .Tell her this then tell her you not going to say anythis else about it. Let her decide. Good Luck Pem
Go 2 the police or try 2 blackmail the boss
Go to the police about it. If you don't you will just let this rapist run to continue to do it to others. Counseling is good. But damn man letting the guy get away with it? Now that is just foolish.
You really need to call the police and get that man arrested he needs to pay for his crimes. if she lets him get away with that he (the boss) is going to think its OK to do it to his next employee and that's wrong make him pay. I think its very Sweet how you really care what has happened in her past alot of men would just go on with the present and try to forget the past. You stay strong and help her to stay strong you are a very good man.
Please go to the police. Rapists need to pay for thier crimes.
she needs to go to counseling and needs your support...I've been raped and it is so hard to share that with someone
She was WRONG in not reporting it. And raped TWICE by her boss? Once I could see, but I am dubious about twice. You can try and go to the police now and file a report but really, after the fact just doesn't cut it. At this point, QUIT bringing it up if she wants to move on.
I think that he should pay for what he did to your friend. You should call the police and report him for raping your friend. Good luck and ';God bless you';
It is a fantasy that beating him up will make you feel good - if you were that way you would have thumped him by now. You need to talk with a therapist, because assault on a loved one is assault on you.
You both need to go to counceling. I know it sounds odd. But you both need to be able to express your feelings to a third party so he/she can see the root of the problem from a fresh perspective and be able to better guide your healing processes. Check your work medical plans. Most counceling is covered. Look into it. Good luck you two. If you stick together and be one another's support with patience, you'll make it out of this stronger then when you went in.
For the sake of wife-to-be, you must try to get this off your memory as it never has happened. She already had so much pain for what it happened to her. If you really love her you should instead comfort her. My advice to you is to move to other states far away from this ***hole. This would help erasing this incident from your memory. Oh, before moving you should pay this ***hole a visit and give him a painful lesson from what he did to your fiance.
As appealing as hurting the man might be, i unfortunately don't think it is the wisest option. As you said, she never reported what he did to her, and now with no physical evidence to prove it, if that sorry excuse of a man lays charges on you for assault, it will be your word against his. I think you may need to respect you fiance's wishes and try to move on from what i can only imagine is a really dark part of your lives. Good luck!
Don't do anything stupid like attack him... that's what I would want to do if I were in your place but, you don't want to be the one to end up behind bars! Is there any way you could report him, maybe file a complaint to a higher person at that company? He needs to pay for his actions...or he'll most likely find another victim.

As for your fiance, I am sure she wants to forget about it. It's probably not the best to just shake it off. I think you should take her to see a therapist, maybe you could go with her. Even a couple of sessions could help.
I was almost raped on my way home while I was pregnant with my son. Thank God he decided to let me go. He had a gun to my face and since it was late and where I was living at the time had alot of trucks around. I was walking in the middle of the street and he came up to me and pointed his gun at me and took me in between 2 trucks. I told him I was pregnant and he lifted up my shirt to see my stomach and then walked me to the corner and told me to go.At that exact time a cop car was riding up the street and I hailed them down and they told me to get in and they went down that block and saw him walking and got out of there cars with their guns drawn and he turned around and ran and he got away. Now as soon as I got in after the cops dropped me off I called my fiance and told him everything and he was there for me through everything. One time he came to see me and I though I saw the guy-(mind you that he had raped a mother and daughter in that same area and put a gun to a 4 year old little boys head so that the mother and daughter would do what he wanted) so he was loose in the area. My now husband almost went balistic and wanted to kill him. I told him that I wanted to let it go since thank God he didn't rape me and we just left it alone. I understand what you are going through since I was almost a victim and I saw what it did to my husband since there was nothing he could do. If she wants to let it go then respect her wishes and let it go. I know it will be hard since he hurt your wife physically and mentally but she is not going to want to see you go to jail and keep being reminded of what she had to go through so for your sake and hers just give it time!!You are a stand up guy for being there for her through all of that trauma and that is exactly what it is-trauma. Good luck to you and your wife in everything you do!! Sorry for giving you this long story but since I can somewhat relate I just wanted to give you my point of view. Just give it time you will make it through it!! God Bless you both!!
Go to the cops. And don't you take this in your own hands or you wlil be the one in JAIL.

If She doesn't report it this jerk will continue to do this.

There are cops that are very understanding and sensitive to women who have been raped. And many women are too scared to report it without evidence.

Your gf might be the last nail in the coffen, so to speak, for this abuser.

She needs to take him down with the law. A newspaper article about him wouldn 't do him well in his business life I am srue.

Just keep her safe, don't get angry. Hold her and love her and make her feel safe.

Nothing might happen with the cops,, but in a way it will be theraputic for you both to in a way hand the information to someone else. It is a way to take it out of your hands and into someone elses. In a way it hopefully feels like the two of you have done what you can.

It might be good for your gf to get some counseling. Maybe the cops can recommend a group of surrivors of rape group.
Are you Stupid ? Do you really believe she was raped twice. ?

Listen.. at first she would do something about it. since she was raped at first and than again. why afraid. ?

BELIEVE ME SHE WAS ENJOYING IT. otherwise she would at least leave her Job. U said U got her a new Job. it is not HER who wanted to leave. i hear between the lines.

She wants you to Fight with that guy. she wants to put you in troubles.

Believe me i have experiences in that matter.

You can sence it when she get upset of yuo when u get angry.l..
take it from me, i have been raped and did nothing about it because i was scared. i did not want to go through court and all that because it would just remind me of the pain. and if you fight him he would be getting the best of you and your fiance because he raped her and could get a warrent on you for assault. and you would go to jail. just respect your wifes wishes and dont get mad. it is hard to understand unless it has happened to you. it is really scary and painful.

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