Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thirteen year old needs some advice from men only?

When you are thirteen are you apost to be some modddy to everyone and i going throuhg puberty and iam kinda irraterible iam always horny and i kinda seisidel and i always wanna be with some one not like in love i always need someone around with me or i go crazy iam really iratible and i need some advice how did thirteen and puberty go for youThirteen year old needs some advice from men only?
all 13 year old boys are horny. it's part of growing up. you're irritable because of all the changes. m_a_s_t_r_b_a_t_eThirteen year old needs some advice from men only?
slow down !
when i was thirteen...i used to go to school..i study my lesson as well as my spelling...i listen to my teacher when he discuss puberty...
Learn to spell and then ask question again
When I was thirteen I could speak in sentences and spell most of my words correctly so I think right off the bat we aren't starting off on the same foot. Oh and yeah, I hit puberty at 10.
Yeah puberty sucks. Mine was like that. Try to take it easy on your parents, and maybe ask your parents if you can see a psychologist. It would have helped me a lot to have someone to talk to during those years. Also it could help to work onrelaxation techniques and channeling your energy into something, like a meditative martial art such as Tai Chi.
early stages of over clingyness. lol just calm down and enjoy your youth lol. plus overclingyness will turn the boys away that want to chill with their friends.
ehe person's advice up above me is right. i am a woman and i did not understand one thing you wrote. even if i could help iwouldn't. go to school!!!!
Hey, take heart. Sorry so many others are giving you a hard time on your spelling. I am not very good at spelling either. I don't think school is the answer, but usage. I noticed my skills get better and better as I did more written communication. In the meantime, try copy and pasting your questions in a program with spell check. Before you know it, your spell checks will be coming back with zero errors. It's a good feeling when you previously thought of yourself as a terrible speller. As far as the hormonal thing, I haven't any advice being a girl, but I remember when I did start having those feelings. I wanted very much to be with someone every moment of the day. Ok, maybe I still feel that way and it will likely get worse since women hit their peak in their 30's. I'm in so much trouble.
This is a common problem for 'kids' of your age. It can sometimes be embarrassing until you (and your body) learn to control the physical and emotional effects of hormone flow. This will happen in time, but until then do your best to remain positive, eat healthily and, above all, don't be embarrassed to see your G.P. who will know the problems you are going through already, and will have vast amounts of written materials to offer you as well as his/her own personal advice.
You need to talk to your mom/dad or an adult that you trust about this. Don't post things like this on the internet unless you are looking for trouble, there are sick, SICK people out there who will hurt you. It's perfectly normal to feel the way you're feeling, just get through it.

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