Monday, August 23, 2010

Men...give a woman some advice...What other ways does a man say he loves you....?

Other than saying the words. I've always read that men are creatures of action... and even though you may not tell a woman you love them you show it through things you do. I want to know what are those things? Thanks!?!?!?Men...give a woman some advice...What other ways does a man say he loves you....?
Speaking from personal experience, it's sometimes easier to show through action than saying the words. Not sure why, probably a nurture thing. You'll know what those are when a guy does something: out of his normal nature, something where he's thinking of you before him, something where he's spent a lot of time prepping/looking to do/get something for you. If you like these types of things, reinforce them and they will continue and probably grow. Ignore them or show a lack of appreciation for these things and they'll stop. A simple example: I was raised to open/hold doors open for ladies. I would probably do it regardless the response, but it is reinforce ten-fold when a lady says thank you and genuinely appreciates it. One's who treat it as ';matter of fact'; or indifferent, tend to extenguish the behavior over time if done often enough. Hope that helps.

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