wen they are with the girlfriend and another women passes they will not look at her, but do the back glance once passed her, and pretend they are checking for their wallet or looking at something. help needed here?Why do men do this-advice?
someone is paranoid, jealous and insecure...
why does it bother you so much???
guys like to look... women like to look... so what???Why do men do this-advice?
Because there is usually friction when the woman sees them looking. There will always be women for guys to look at, the same way the will be guys for women to look at. Have some respect for you partner when they are there with you and not stare at the other girl or guy.
well its natural for all guys to do that and you vant really stop him from doing that just because they do that doesnt mean that they are going to leave you for them unless if hes a player so dont worry if he loves you like crazy and would nver leave you then there is nothing to worry about
He is an idiot. He was checking out another girl, when he had a woman! That is one of the stupidest mistakes.
To say that all men do that though is not true.
Because guys are stupid ( i say this although im a guy ) we always want more and one girl is never enough (not me)
i dont think guys should be so stupid all the time it makes me look bad
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