Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yo, I need advice about men?

I was walking on campus and I saw my man in a car with another girl, well we really aren't together, we are dating. THey drove by so fast, i wasn't sure if it was him, he is always throwing other girls in my face or talking to them while I am in his presence , i wonder if i am making a mistake, i want him to respect me but i don't know how to make that happenYo, I need advice about men?
Find someone else, or become serious instead of casual dating.Yo, I need advice about men?
What's the big deal... Afraid to compete? Respect is earned; if you don;t get it, you don't deserve it. What have you done to make him happier than those other girls do? Step it up.
yo, you need to stop saying ';yo';. because you don't sound like a lady.
It sounds like he doesn't respect you. I think I would walk away from this before it really gets started. It is likely to only get worse and your feelings will be stronger later and therefore you will be hurt in the end. Sorry this answer may not be what you wanted to hear, but I think it is the truth.
First maybe you should talk to him and ask if he was in that car. No tears, no reproach, maybe make it sound a joke, but you should have that information.

then talk to him if you shouldn't go to the next step and not date anyone else? see what is his reaction to that. Throwing other girls in your face is not a very nice and constructive attitude, are you sure he is good for you? that he deserves your respect?

You cannot ';make'; him respect you. Be yourself, be sincere, be consistent, treat him fair, show your feelings but use your mind and he will respect you - if not then he probably is not the right one for you.
pray for him
It clearly upsets you - and he doesnt care - does that tell you Anything?? Move on!
Yo.......u supposed to feel good ain't ya ?

if da man make yo feel bad , don't go wasting your time baby...

yo beatiful ,yo hot , yo young ... so find a cool man fo yo babe
either become exclusive, play the game, or find someone else. if you let him treat you like dirt, he will. if you want more, go for it.
year he's not going to respect you. he obviously loves the ladies, get rid and good riddance
Yes, you are making a mistake. How is someone going to respect you when you allow this kind of behavior? You need to respect yourself first, and a good first step would be to tell this man to shove off.
He's playing with you, lose him. I speak from a long painful experience.
he sounds like a playa
You lost that chance back when you let him throw other girls in your face..

1) do you think you can change a man like him?

2) do you think he makes a good father?

3) do you think you can trust his words?

4) do you think he can listen to you when event in your life get out of your control?

5) can you depend on him?

you answer your own fear and doult with these questions. now ask him the same questions and see what he say.
unless you guys are exclusive he can be with other girls. i would have a talk with him and see if he's willing to date only you. if not get away from him!

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