Saturday, July 31, 2010

Insecure... Men's advice please.?

My boyfriend moves pics of me around when I'm gone. He keeps his cell phone on him like extra skin. I've gone through my boyfriends phone text messages.I haven't gone through his phone or clothing in months to avoid getting pissed off if something is there. He's had messages to other women asking why don't they want to be with him and another incident was he got home from work then all of a sudden his boy wanted him to ride somewhere. Of course, I didnt feel right, so i circled the block. About 45 mins later i saw him at krispy kreme with another girl. He said he wanted to put a face with a name. Which indicated that he met her on the net or something. We love each other, however, I think we may want different things out of this relationship.Insecure... Men's advice please.?

you don't love each other!

You may love him, but he certainly doesn't love you. because you can't subdivide a heart into pieces. It's either give all of it or none of it.

Find a new man! One that will treat you like a princess and love you forever..... not only as a back up to all the other women.Insecure... Men's advice please.?
You don't need any more signs. Don't waste your time anymore and go find someone who will appreciate you.
Kick him to the curb...

I don't think you need a guy to tell you that.
Why are you going through his stuff? Sounds like a bad relationship all the way around.
He's not serious.
Don't be a fool. He's cheating on you. And the reason he's doing it is because he can. You fold every time he tells you to do something.

You need to realize that there are plenty of men out there, many of them more respectable. If he can meet women online, why can't you meet a decent guy as well?
The trust is gone. Any relationship you work on is already doomed. You have two options: try starting over and trust each other or leave each other. If things stay this way, it will end up very badly.
You deserve so much better than that. It may be really hard for you to do but you really need to move on. Staying in a dead end relationship to avoid the pain of getting out of it isn't heatlhy. You deserve a man that will cherish you and respect you for the good person that you are. Do not continue to waste your time and love on someone who doesn't want it or deserve it.
end the relationship and move on.. your petty jealousy and insecurity will never end... get out and find someone else... nerds are more faithful!!!
Ditch him. What are you waiting for if he is looking for another girl when he has you
Have you ever seen the Heisman trophy? The guys arm is extended to stiff arm another football player? Well give this jerk the Heisman! He is a jerk and you are probably sweet, sexy, and fun to be with. Go find a good man to make your dreams come true.
From everything you have just said, he seems to be cheating...
Insecure is not really the right word... I'm thinking more along the lines of either blindly infatuated, or ';in love'; or just plain naive.

This guy is using you.
He loves you because you are there for him WHEN he cannot get something else-- I think its time for you to move on and get rid of this bum he is two timing you and you are letting him do this to you -- go and find you a real man one that wants you and not pretending to love you-- its called catting around and when he finds a willing feline you are a second thought until the deed is done, then you are again his # 1 g/f
if you really love him,wait a little longer,or just break up with him now,if you dont,you may get really hurt in the future.

he may not be the right boy for you

Or there are just going to be a rough patch in your lives.
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