Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why do women tend to ask OTHER women for relationships advice with men?

this really doesn't make sense to me.

I mean I see magazines and articles on 'guy help' and they're all by women.

and then the girls I know wouldn't go to a close guy friend for GUY advice she would go to a girl....

so men: would you give a girl-friend of yours advice on another guy?

and women: why do you do this?Why do women tend to ask OTHER women for relationships advice with men?
Be cuz women seem to have too much trust in other women when it comes to relationships! They always seem to think that they can beleive one another when they saythey understand or have been tru the samething before! Truthfully unless it's someone you can truly trust or are really close too you should never tell another woman about your relationship because most of the time they are the ones who'll end up taking your place.

Samething with the guys never share all of your relationship info with another man,most of the time it backfires on you. Try talking too someone you don't know and someone who isn't a close friend to either of you that way you will get an unbiased view of the situation!!!Why do women tend to ask OTHER women for relationships advice with men?
Because women have been in relationships with men, and we have the experience. Women reveal more and are more helpful in the relationship area.

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